Unit 1: Lesson 3
Lesson 3: Grace Is the Gift of God's Life
Grace is the free and undeserved gift of God’s life within us that makes us adopted sons and daughters of God.
Catechism Connections
CCC 1849-1850
CCC 1996-2005
CCC 484
CCC 490
CCC 726
Lesson Topics
The Holy Trinity
Actual Grace: The supernatural help from God that gives our will the strength to do good and to avoid evil.
Fiat: Latin for “let it be done,” or “yes.” Mary responded to the Angel Gabriel’s announcement that she would be the Mother of God by saying, “May it be done to me according to your word.” (CCC: 973)
Grace: The free and undeserved gift of God’s life within us. The Sacraments are efficacious signs of God’s grace. (CCC: 1131, 2021, 2023)
Immaculate Conception: The dogma of the Church that teaches that the Virgin Mary was conceived without the stain of Original Sin so that she could bear the Son of God within her. Mary was prepared by God to be a holy vessel for our salvation. (CCC: 508, 744)
Sanctifying Grace: The free and undeserved gift of God’s love and life within our souls given to us by the Holy Spirit. Sanctifying grace heals us of sin and makes us holy. We receive sanctifying grace through the Sacraments, especially in Baptism and Holy Eucharist.
(CCC: 2023)