Unit 1: Lesson 6
Signs throughout Salvation History
Salvation History is the story of Gods saving actions in human history.
Catechism Connections:
CCC 774
CCC 1127-1128
CCC 1131
CCC 1115
CCC 1214-1215
CCC 1294
CCC 1325
CCC 1394
CCC 1450
CCC 1459
CCC 1519
CCC 1573
CCC 1623
Lesson Topics
Old Testament
A sacred permanent bond of family relationship. God entered in a series of covenants with mankind throughout Salvation History to invite us to be part of His divine family and to prepare us gradually and in stages and in words and deeds to receive the gift of salvation. (68-96)
A supernatural act of God that demonstrates His power over all things. Jesus performed many miracles because He is God. Jesus’ miracles invited people to believe in Him and showed the power of God. Jesus’ miracles were also signs of the Kingdom of God. (561)
Salvation History:
The story of God’s love and mercy revealed to us throughout human history, culminating in Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross and Resurrection from the dead which won for us salvation from sin and death. (68-96)