Greek/Latin Roots
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43 Videos explaining different Latin and Greek Roots. Click here to choose which one you'd like to learn about.
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Fill in the Roots:
primeval = pertaining to (__-al____) the first (_prim-_) age ( -ev ) or ages *pertaining to is an adjective suffix meaning and age is a base word meaning
primordial = pertaining to ( -al ) beginning (_ -ordi ) first ( prim ) *pertaining to is an adjective suffix meaning and -ordi is a base word meaning
expiration = the act of (_-ation _) breathing (_ pir- _) out ( _ex-_) * the act of is a noun suffix meaning and out is a directional prefix meaning
Fill in the Roots: Week 2 – page 5
effloresce = to begin ( -esce ) to flower (_flori_) out ( _ef-) *to begin is a verb suffix meaning and out is a directional prefix meaning
floriculture = the result of ( -ure ) tilling/tending ( cult- ) flowers ( flori- ) * the result of is a noun suffix meaning and tilling/tending is a base word meaning
floriferous = characterized by ( -ous ) bearing ( fer- ) flowers ( flori ) *characterized by is an adjective suffix meaning and bearing is a base word meaning
compensate = to act by ( -ate ) weighing ( -pens ) together ( com- ) * to act by is a verb suffix meaning and together is a directional prefix meaning
propensity = the condition of ( -ity ) hanging ( -pens ) forward ( pro- ) * the condition of is a noun suffix meaning and forward is a directional prefix meaning
congratulate = to act by ( -ate ) expressing pleasure ( gratul- ) with ( con- ) * to act by is a verb suffix meaning and together is a directional prefix meaning
ingratiate = to act by ( -ate ) bringing oneself into ( in-2 ) the favor ( grati- ) *to act by is a verb suffix meaning and together is a into is a directional prefix meaning
ingratitude = the state of ( -tude ) not ( in-1 ) being thankful ( grati- ) * the state of is a noun suffix meaning and not is a negating prefix meaning
Affixes: Prefixes and Suffixes
Week 1: tri-, hydro- / hydr-, viv- / vit-
Week 2: form-, chrono-/chron-, -tor / -or
Week 3: uni-, multi-, sta- /-sist / -stant
Week 4: vac-/vacu-, de-, cred- /credit-
Week 5: stru- /struct-, ad-, -ure
Week 6: zoo-, non-, derma-/dermat- /-dermis
Week 7: cardio-, endo- , morph-
Week 8: -ist, tort- / torque, gener-/ -gene
Week 9: ped-/ -pod, meta-, volut-/ -volve
Week 10: act-/ ag-, epi-, sed-/ -sess/-sid
Week 11: -odont/dent-, hypo-, voc-/-voke
Week 12: fact-/-fect, centi-, ann-/-enn
Week 13: -ceed, para-, fall-/fals-
Spelling rules for -ceed vs. -cede vs. -sede The mnemonic: "Full Speed Ahead"
Week 14: naus-/nav-, per-, cas-/cid-
Week 15: hyper-, neo-, phyto-/-phyte
Week 16: -tend/-tens, jur-/jus-, dem-
Week 17: poli-, en-/-em, -cept/-ceive
Week 18: acro-, retro-, dyna-/dynamo-
Week 19: sens-/sent-, ab-/abs-, lud-/lus-
Week 20: fort-/forc-, nom-, cit-/-cite
Week 21: -gon, carni-, dec-/deca-/decim-
Week 22: -vore/-vour, poly-, err-/errat-
Week 23: -phobia, ante-, -ion/-tion
Week 24: in-1, luc-/lumin-, reg-/-rect
Week 25: aero-/aeri-, biblio-/bibl-, loqu-/locut-