Voyage of the Dawn Treader: Cast of Characters

There is only one character who really changes and grows over the course of The Voyage of the...

Caspian returns for his second appearance in the Narnia chronicles, following his revolt against...

On her third visit to Narnia, Lucy Pevensie shows a little more of her human side than she did...

Back for his third adventure in Narnia, Edmund is no longer the traitorous, sniveling little jerk...

If you've read the first two Narnia chronicles, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and Prince...

Reepicheep is a Talking Mouse from Narnia, the Chief of his people, and an old friend of Lucy and...

Lord Drinian is the captain of the Dawn Treader, a loyal and able-bodied seaman who knows a great...

Rhince, sometimes called Master Rhince, is the mate on the Dawn Treader, which makes him the...

Rynelf is one of the sailors on the Dawn Treader. He is the only sailor who is consistently...

Pittencream is one of the crew members on the Dawn Treader. He is not mentioned specifically by...

Pug is an unpleasant man who makes his living by capturing free people and selling them as slaves...

Lord Bern is one of the seven missing lords of Narnia who were exiled by King Miraz. He is the...

Governor Gumpas is the corrupt and cowardly ruler of the Lone Islands. He has allowed the slave...

Lord Octesian is one of the seven missing lords of Narnia who were exiled by King Miraz. The...

Lord Restimar is one of the seven missing lords of Narnia who were exiled by King Miraz. Caspian...

Coriarkin is a magician who governs the island where the Dufflepuds live. As Ramandu explains...

The Dufflepuds, as they eventually name themselves, are the people who live on the island...

Anne and Marjorie are two girls Lucy knows from school back at home in England. Anne is a...

Lord Rhoop is one of the seven missing lords of Narnia. Exiled by King Miraz, he sailed east...

Ramandu is a "star at rest" who now lives in the form of an old man on an island at the eastern...

Ramandu's daughter is a tall, striking blonde woman dressed in blue. She appears, majestic and...

Lords Revilian, Argoz, and Mavramorn are three of the seven missing lords of Narnia who were...

The Sea People are an underwater race who live in the Eastern Seas between Ramandu's Island and...

Harold and Alberta Scrubb are Eustace's fad-loving parents. Here's what the narrator has to say...