U.S. Gov't & Politics

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The United States government gets its powers from the United States Constitution. The Constitution organized the government into three equal branches—legislative, executive, and judicial.


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The legislative branch of a government holds the power to make laws. In the United States, Congress is the legislative branch. Congress also has the power to declare war. A few legislative agencies, like the Library of Congress, help Congress in its work.

Members of Congress

Congress consists of two groups called houses. One house is the Senate. There are 100 senators, two from each state. The other house is the House of Representatives, or House. There are 435 representatives in the House. The number of representatives from each state is based on the state’s population. States with large populations have more representatives than states with small populations.

Senators serve six-year terms. All voters in a state elect both senators from that state. States that have more than one representative, however, are divided into districts. People vote only for the representative from the district in which they live. Representatives serve two-year terms.

Both houses of Congress have leaders. The House leader is called the speaker of the House. The political party that has the most members in the House—called the majority party—chooses the speaker. The Senate leader is called the president of the Senate. The vice president of the United States serves as president of the Senate but votes only to break a tie. A senator called the president pro tempore leads the Senate when the vice president is absent. The majority party in the Senate chooses the president pro tempore.

How Congress Makes Laws

A new law starts out as a document called a bill. First a member of the House or the Senate introduces a bill. Then it goes to a small group of representatives or senators called a committee. There are many committees. Committees have the power to make changes in bills. They also decide which bills the whole House or Senate will vote on.

Once the bill is ready, the House or the Senate votes on it. If more than half of the members who vote on a bill approve it, the bill passes, or gets approved. It then goes to the other house for approval. In order to become a law, a bill must be passed by both houses.

A bill passed by both houses goes to the president of the United States. If the president signs the bill, it becomes a law. However, the president can veto, or reject, a bill. A vetoed bill can still become a law, however. This happens if two thirds of both houses of Congress vote to override, or undo, the veto.


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The executive branch puts into use the laws that the legislative branch makes. The president of the United States leads the executive branch.

The President

Presidents serve four-year terms. Since 1951 presidents have been limited to two terms. The vice president takes over if the president dies, gives up the job, or is unable to serve.

A group called the electoral college elects the president and the vice president every four years. Voters in a national election tell the electoral college members from their state how to vote.

Congress can accuse the president of breaking the law. This is called impeachment. The Senate decides whether the president is guilty. A guilty president must resign, or step down. Congress has impeached three presidents—Andrew Johnson, Bill Clinton, and Donald Trump—but the Senate found them not guilty. Trump was the only president to be impeached twice.

Executive Power

The president decides what the government should do. This is called making policy. A part of making policy is recommending laws for Congress to pass. Another part is dealing with foreign countries. As commander in chief of the armed forces, the president can send soldiers into battle in foreign countries. However, only Congress may declare war.

The president also oversees the many departments and offices of the executive branch. These departments and offices carry out laws and policies about the economy, defense, education, and many other things. After the Department of Homeland Security was created in 2002, there were 15 departments in all. The president appoints the heads of these departments. They form a group that is known as the Cabinet.


The judicial branch, or judiciary, is a system of courts. Officials called judges run the courts. The courts use the U.S. Constitution and other laws of the U.S. government to settle cases.

The president of the United States appoints all federal judges, but the Senate must approve them. Once approved, the judges serve until death or retirement. Federal judges, like presidents, can be impeached.

Lower Courts

The district courts are the lowest level of U.S. courts. District court trials usually feature a jury and witnesses. A person who loses a case in a district court can appeal, or challenge, the decision in a circuit court of appeals. Panels, or groups, of judges usually hear cases in courts of appeals. They have the power to overturn, or undo, the judgments of the lower courts.

Supreme Court

The Supreme Court is the highest court in the United States. The nine judges on the Supreme Court are called justices. One is the chief justice. The others are associate justices.

Most of the cases that the Court hears are appeals of cases that lower courts have already decided. The justices vote on which cases they will hear.

When the Court hears a case, lawyers for both sides get a chance to speak. But there are no witnesses, and there is no jury. After hearing the case, the justices meet in private to make a decision. A majority of the justices must agree before the Court can make its decision.

One justice writes a statement called an opinion to explain the decision. Justices who disagree with the decision can write their own opinions, which are called dissenting opinions. Judges on lower courts often use Supreme Court opinions to decide later cases.

A Supreme Court decision may be reversed by amending, or changing, the Constitution. The Court also may reverse one of its own decisions in a later case. For example, in 1896 it allowed segregation (forced separation of Blacks and whites) in public places. Then in 1954, in the case of Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka, the Court ruled that segregation of public schools was illegal.

Judicial Review

The Supreme Court has the power to overturn a U.S. law or a state law that does not follow the U.S. Constitution. The Court declares such laws to be unconstitutional. This power, called judicial review, is not mentioned in the Constitution. The Court first used judicial review in 1803, in a case called Marbury vs. Madison.