Ch. 1

Chapter 1: The Holy Trinity

1. What does the history of salvation tell us?

The history of salvation tells us how God Saved us.

2. How do we know about God?

We know about God because he made himself known to us.


3. How did God make himself known to us?

God reveals himself to us through both Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition.

4. What is the Bible?

The Bible is the written story of God’s actions in the world.

5. What is the Old Testament?

The Old Testament is that part of the Bible which was written before the coming of Christ.

6. What is the New Testament?

The New Testament is that part of the Bible which tells us about Jesus Christ. This is called the Gospels. There are also other works and letters written by Jesus’ disciples.

7. What did people learn about God in the Old Testament?

In the Old Testament people learned that God was real, that he always did what he promised to do, and that people could be his friends if they put their trust in him.

8. How did God make himself known to us in the New Testament?

In the New Testament God made himself known to us through his Son, Jesus Christ.

9.  What did Jesus teach us about God?

 Jesus Christ taught us that in the one God there are three Persons, each equal to each other, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

10.  What is the mystery of the Trinity? 

The  mystery of the Trinity is the one true God in three Persons, - the  Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

11.  What did Jesus teach us about the Father?

Jesus taught us to love our heavenly Father because he loves us and wants to help us in all the                                needs of our body and soul. He wants to bring us, his children to his heavenly home.

12.  What did Jesus teach us about himself?

 Jesus made himself known to us as the Son of God who became man to save us.

13.  What did Jesus teach us about the Holy Spirit?

 Jesus made known to us the third Divine Person, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father and he, as the Risen Lord, sent to his Church.

14.  Why could Jesus teach us about the true God?

 Jesus could teach us about the true God because he himself was God.

15.  What did Jesus teach his disciples?

 Jesus taught his disciples about the true God, and that the Father called them to be his children by giving them his Holy Spirit.

16.  How do we become children of God?

We become children of God through Baptism, “The newly baptized is Now, in the only Son, a child of God entitled to say the prayer of the Children of God:  “Our Father” (CCC 1243).

17.  How does God give us a share in his own life?

God gives us a share in his own life through the gift of the Holy Spirit.

18.  What do we call this life which we receive from God?

We call this life which we receive from God sanctifying grace.

19.  When do we first receive the life of grace?

 We first receive the life of grace in the sacrament of Baptism.

20.  How do we honor the Holy Trinity?

 We honor the Holy Trinity when we pray to God—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit—-who lives in our soul by grace.