Matter & Energy in Food Webs
Key points:
Matter describes the atoms that make up an ecosystem’s parts. Matter cycles between the living and nonliving parts of an ecosystem.
Energy changes form as it moves through an ecosystem. Energy that enters an ecosystem eventually leaves as heat.
Producers are organisms that make their own food inside their cells. Photosynthetic organisms are producers. Producers allow energy to enter an ecosystem.
Consumers are organisms that eat other organisms. When this occurs, the matter and energy stored in the other organism’s biomass moves to the consumer.
Primary consumers eat producers.
Secondary consumers eat primary consumers.
Decomposers are organisms that consume dead plant and animal matter. When they do this, they return matter back to the environment.
Food webs are models that show how energy and matter move in an ecosystem. The arrows in a food web show what organisms eat. The arrows point away from the organism being eaten, and toward the organism doing the eating.