Language Arts

Language arts helps you develop your reading, writing, and research skills and to become effective communicators. No matter your future major in college, no matter your intended career, you simply must be able to communicate effectively, and this class aims to give you that experience.

Language Arts helps you become a flexible, critical, engaged writer who can critically assess a writing situation, respond to it, and then easily transition into a very different writing situation that requires an entirely different set of skills. Not only will you develop the necessary skills to write critical and creative academic assignments, but you will also develop the skills to write effectively in all present and future aspects of your life—to be able to articulate yourself in your academic, social, and professional worlds.

Writing projects should tap into your interests and also encourage you to recognize and deepen connections across all of your courses. 

The texts we will read in class this year will each be categorized in a variety of fiction and non-fiction literary genres, and serve as models as we continue to grow as writers.

In class, we will use non-fiction texts that correspond to topics covered in science and social studies. We will practice comprehending and evaluating the information we read, and summarize main ideas. We will practice how to respond to arguments; write clear, organized, and compelling arguments; use evidence to support our claims; evaluate and integrate a variety of sources; edit drafts; and respond to peers’ work.