
Courage: In The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe Lucy displays the courage of her convictions about the existence of Narnia, despite Edmund’s mockery and Peter and Susan’s doubt and even though she is the youngest of the Pevensie siblings. Most famously, we have Aslan’s courage in dying for Edmund. The Pevensies have a good role model in Aslan when they have to face their fears, develop courage, and fight to free the Narnians so they can thrive and prosper rather than live in fear. Lucy has the courage to lead her reluctant siblings over what looks like a cliff, but turns out to be the safe way down. Susan is made courageous when Aslan breathes on her.

Courage: In Prince Caspian, Caspian and the Old Narnians show courage by resisting Miraz’s tyranny. Peter displays courage by engaging in single combat with Miraz; he matures into a true knight and a true king