Unit 1: Lesson 5
The Sacraments Are Not Merely Symbols
The Sacraments are holy mysteries that reveal invisible grace and truth.
Catechism Connections
CCC 774
CCC 1115
CCC 1118
CCC 1131
CCC 1996-1999
Lesson Topics
Sacraments of Initiation
Ex Opere Operato:
Latin for “from the work having been done.” Jesus has literally already “done the work” of the Sacraments to give us the grace of God. There is nothing we do to bring about God’s grace in the Sacraments, rather, it has already been done by Christ. We simply have to receive it. (1111, 1131)
Something that stands for or represents something else. Often, a sign is a visible symbol of something that is invisible or difficult to understand. The Sacraments are signs of the grace they give to us. (1131)