Rules for cede-ceed-sede
With 12 words ending with the pronunciation of "seed," how can you spell each word correctly?
Well you'll need a few tricks!
Trick #1: Knowing there is only 1 word ending in -sede, 3 words ending in -ceed, and 8 words ending in -cede, memorize the one -sede word, supersede = to sit + above.
Trick #2: Learn the 3 unique words ending in -ceed, by using the mnemonic device: Full Speed Ahead. This helps since both -ceed and -cede mean: go, yield, withdraw
Full Speed Ahead
First, notice that SPEED and -ceed both end in -eed. Therefore, this mnemonic Full Speed Ahead reminds you to use -ceed.
Next, the first 3 letters of speed are - S, P, and E. These represent the first letters of the 3 prefixes that attach to -ceed.
"S" = suc- succeed = go + "up from" under
"P" = pro- proceed = go + ahead, forward
"E" = ex- exceed = go + out
Well, how do you remember to use pro- rather than pre-?
Since the prefix pro- means: ahead and pre- means: before. The word ahead in the Full Speed Ahead tells you to use pro-.
How do you remember to use suc- rather than se-?
Try remembering that the word full in Full Speed Ahead suggests: "With a full effort, you can succeed."
Once you have memorized the 1 word ending in -sede and the 3 words ending in -ceed using Full Speed Ahead, you'll always be able to figure out that the remaining 8 words end in -cede:
accede = yield + to
antecede = go + before
cede = withdraw
concede = fully + withdraw
intercede = go + between
precede = go + before
recede = go + back
secede = go + apart