Phases in Creation

Phase I: Time

Time is key to so many discoveries in science, technology, engineering and maths. Evolution looks at how plants and animals changed over a long period of time, the Earth’s movements show us why we have seasons and different time zones. In fact, the study of all the celestial bodies in our universe are centered around time; we talk about stars and planets being light years away – the distance light travels over a year.

Life-cycles are all about how organisms grow and die during their time on our planet. The average human lifespan is almost 73 years. You could investigate the lifespan of other animals, and how they spend their time.

Scientific innovations are also intertwined with time. The passing of time prompted the invention of ways to mark it, from the sundial, to the pendulum clock to digital clocks – where would be without them? Time is also vital in engineering; complicated machines have moving parts that all need work in time with each other for the machine to work smoothly. Can you think of any?

Perhaps you could consider the issue food waste by thinking about how passing time impacts different foods. We need to use this knowledge to reduce food waste, perhaps future inventions will help.