Real World Math

These Concept lessons from Real World Math are designed to target specific math concepts, often in real world settings and situations.  You’ll solve proportions, estimate area, and calculate volume in unique locations around the world.

Measurement lessons will go beyond the simple measurement of point A to point B and demonstrate how linear measure can be applicable to real world problems.  The ruler tool in Google Earth can measure distances in centimeters, yards, miles, and other units.  You'll need to use it in a variety of situations.

Project-Based Learning activities offer a different approach to learning in scope and depth.  PBL lessons are intended to build upon your previous knowledge and offer a unique opportunity to utilize it. 

In real life, problems do not always have clear solutions; there are no answers available in the back of the book.  There may be several paths to choose from, each with their own advantages.  Try to work with your teammates through any unexpected difficulties as they arise.  Additionally, you'll often find these problems will stray from mathematics into other disciplines such as Science or Social Studies.  This is encouraged and should make the project even more meaningful.

Truly, these activities should expose you to real world problem solving experiences as you rely on the work of others and face deadlines.  Project Based Learning situations can provide you with important social skills that you will carry with you into the future.

Expand the universe of your mathematical knowledge with this collection of Exploratory lessons and activities.  Math texts don’t usually dedicate very much coverage for fractals and graph theory, yet these topics are extremely important in the modern world.  You need to see that there's more to mathematics than just Arithmetic, Algebra, and Geometry.  It includes a wide range of investigations into topics that are utilized in the real world.  These lessons should give you a basic understanding of these advanced concepts that you can carry with you into college. 

The collection of Space lessons will take you beyond the confines of Earth into the final frontier.  These activities lend themselves not only to mathematical studies but Science and other disciplines as well. 

Google’s Sky, Moon, and Mars can all be accessed through Google Earth.  Google Sky is a mapping of the stars and other celestial bodies.  Google Moon has full satellite imagery of the moon and includes interactive layers developed with NASA.  Google Mars is similar to Google Moon but it has the most current imagery.  One can even view the mapping of its surface.

For most of history, mathematics and science were synonymous with one another. Achievements in space exploration to show why studies in math and science are correlated.